The split in the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society was widened last evening when a new society, to be known as the New South Wales Society for the Adult Deaf and Dumb, was definitely launched. More than 100 deaf and dumb people, who have broken away from the old society to follow Mr. Hersee, their former welfare officer, met in the Toc H rooms, Hamilton street, and elected a committee.
“I ask you to stand loyally behind Mr. and Mrs. Hersee, and am sure we will never regret it,” said Mr. F. S. Booth, who was chairman.
Mr. Gordon Winn, treasurer of the new society, said that he thought he could now be of some service. As a member of the original council and a life member of the old society, he believed the board had acted unjustly in dismissing Mr. Hersee. The fact that the deaf and the dumb were rallying around Mr. Hersee indicated that he had served them well.
The following committee was elected: Rev. E. J. Davidson, Federsal padre of Toc H, Mr. Ross Dalby, registrar of Toc H, the Rev. F. Potter, and Messrs. E. Scribner, G. R. Winn, F. S. Booth, E. Quinnell, J. Sinclair, A. E. Hole and Hersee.
It was stated that the new society would continue to use the room of Toc H.