For Researchers
Click “Resources” for advice, “References” for books and articles, “Archives” to find out where deaf-related archival material is to be found, and “Websites” for links to other Deaf History websites in Australia and overseas.
Blackmore, H. (Ed.). (1996). The house on the hill: The first hundred years of the School for Deaf Children in Western Australia 1896-1996. Perth: The WA School for Deaf Children Inc.
Bontempo, K, & Hodgetts, J. (2002). History of the WA Deaf Society 1921-2001. Leederville, WA: The Western Australian Deaf Society Inc.
Borrow, T. (1946). The Hallett family. Adelaide: Pioneers’ Association of South Australia
Branson, J. & Miller, D. (1995). The story of Betty Steel, Deaf convict and pioneer. Petersham: Deafness Resources Australia, Ltd.
Burchett, J. H. Utmost for the Highest: The Story of the Victorian School for Deaf Children. Melbourne: Hall’s Book Store Pty Ltd, 1964.
Carty, B. (2018). Managing their own affairs: The Australian Deaf community in the 1920s and 1930s. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Crickmore, B. L. (1990). Education of the deaf and hearing impaired: A brief history. Mayfield: Education Management Systems Pty Ltd.
Colefax, N., with Lawrence, A. E. (1999). Signs of change: My autobiography and the history of Australian Theatre of the Deaf 1973-1983. Parramatta, NSW: Deafness Resources Australia Ltd.
Doran, E. (1998). Hand in hand with time and change: The life of Ella Doran and her work with the Deaf in Australia. Woden, ACT: Molonglo Press.
Duerdoth, P. (1992). More than a school: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951-1991. Burwood, Vic: Victoria College Press.
Fitzgerald, S. (Narr.) (1999). Open minds open hearts: Stories of the Australian Catholic Deaf community. Lidcombe, NSW: CCOD.
Flynn, J. W. (1984). No longer by gaslight: The first 100 years of the Adult Deaf Society of Victoria. Melbourne: Adult Deaf Society of Victoria.
Hope, P. (Ed.). (1968). The voyage of the Africaine: A collection of journals, letters and extracts from contemporary publications. South Yarra, Vic: Heinemann Education Australia Pty Ltd.
Jeanes, R. C. & Reynolds, B. E. (Eds.) (1982). Dictionary of Australasian signs for communication with the deaf. Victorian School for Deaf Children.
Johnston, B. (2000). Memories of St Gabriel’s: A history of St Gabriel’s Deaf School, Castle Hill, NSW. NSW Government Printing Service.
Johnston, T. (1989). Auslan dictionary: A dictionary of the sign language of the Australian Deaf community. Deafness Resources Australia, Ltd.
Johnston, T. & Schembri, A. (2007). Australian Sign Language: An introduction to sign language linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Malone, N. L. (2019). A constant struggle: a history of deaf education in New South Wales since World War II. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
O’Reilly, C. (2007). Deaf Australian story. Self-published by author.
O’Reilly, C. (2013). Deaf Australian story Part II. Bilby Publishing.
Ozolins, U. & M. Bridge. (1999). Sign language interpreting in Australia. Melbourne, Vic: Language Australia, the National Language and Literacy Institute of Australia.
Smith, E. J. (1991). Time is the builder: A history of the Royal Tasmanian Society for the Blind and Deaf 1887 to 1987. Hobart: The Society.
Smith, G. M. (2022). WA Deaf: Challenges and Changes 2001 – 2021. Wembley, WA: Access Plus WA Deaf. Available at:
WA Foundation for Deaf Children. (2022). The House on the Hill, Vol.2: Changes in Deaf Education in Western Australia During the Last 25 Years 1996-2021. Perth: WA Foundation for Deaf Children.
Wallis, B. T. (2016). The silent book: A Deaf family and the disappearing Australian-Irish Sign Language. Melbourne, Vic: Author.
Wilson, S. (2003). The history of the Queensland Deaf Society: From mission to profession 1903- 2003. Brisbane: The Queensland Deaf Society.
Articles and Chapters
Anderson, M. & Carty, B. (2014). The Cosmopolitan Correspondence Club. In K. Snoddon, Ed., Telling deaf lives: Agents of change (pp. 148-162). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Branson: J. & Miller, D. (1996). Frederick John Rose: An Australian pioneer. In R. Fischer & T. Vollhaber (Eds.), Collage: Works on international Deaf history (pp. 69-82). Hamburg: Signum.
Carty, B. (2000). John Carmichael: Australian Deaf pioneer. Deaf History Journal, 3 (3), 24-36.
Carty, B. (2016). The “breakaways”: Deaf citizens’ groups in Australia in the 1920s and 1930s. In B. H. Greenwald & J. J. Murray (Eds.), In our own hands: Essays in deaf history 1780-1970 (pp. 211-238). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Carty, B. & Thornton, D. (2011). Deaf people in colonial Australia. In T. Hedberg, Ed., No history, no future: Proceedings of the 7th DHI International Conference, Stockholm 2009 (pp.148-155). Solna: Dixa.
Cooper, P. F. (2014). Thomas Pattison (1805-1899) Coach Painter and Founder of the Deaf and Dumb Institute, Sydney. Philanthropy and Philanthropists in Australian Colonial History, August 27, 2014. Available at
Cooper, P. F. (2014). Sherrington Alexander Gilder (1828 – 1902) and the commencement of the education of the deaf in NSW. Philanthropy and Philanthropists in Australian Colonial History, August 26, 2014. Available at
Cooper, P. F. (2014). George Augustus Frederick Lentz (1797-1883) Convict conman, Architect and co-founder of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Sydney. Philanthropy and Philanthropists in Australian Colonial History, August 26, 2014. Available at
Cooper, P. F. (2014). Frederick Ropier Robinson (1815-1899) Ironmonger and for 38 years a member of Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution and Ellis Frederick Leathwick Robinson (1839-1905) for 41 years Secretary of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution. Philanthropy and Philanthropists in Australian Colonial History, August 27, 2014. Available at
Cooper, P. F. (2014). Samuel Watson (1842-1911) Superintendent Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution, Sydney. Philanthropy and Philanthropists in Australian Colonial History, August 26, 2014. Available at
Cooper, P. F. (2016). Charles Nightingale (1795-1860), Edward Ramsay (1818-1894), Arthur Balbirnie (1815-1891) and James Druce (1829-1891) Charity Collectors. Philanthropy and Philanthropists in Australian Colonial History, June 9, 2016. Available at
Cooper, P. F. (2018). Matrons of the NSW Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution up to World War I Philanthropy and Philanthropists in Australian Colonial History, April 16, 2018. Available at
Power, D. (2013). Australian Aboriginal Deaf People and Aboriginal Sign Language. Sign Language Studies, 13(2), 264-277
Stone, C., & Woll, B. (2008). Dumb O Jemmy and others: Deaf people, interpreters and the London courts in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Sign Language Studies, 8 (3), 226-240.
Thornton, D., Macready, S., & Levitzke-Gray, P. (2014). Written into history: The lives of Australian Deaf leaders. In K. Snoddon, Ed., Telling deaf lives: Agents of change (pp. 93-101). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Uniacke, M. & Carty, B. (2022). ‘A message to humanity on behalf of the adult deaf’: The protest writing of John Patrick Bourke. Australian Literary Studies, 37(1).
Adam, R. (2016). Unimodal bilingualism in the Deaf community: Language contact between two sign languages in Australia and the United Kingdom. Doctoral dissertation. University College London, UK.
Anderson, M. (2001). Daisy Muir: A remarkable influence in the Deaf community. Unpublished Master of Education Research Essay, La Trobe University, Melbourne.
Bremner, A. (1996). Deaf sports in Australia. Unpublished Masters thesis, La Trobe University, Melbourne.
Dillon, A. (2015). Negotiating two worlds through the media: Debates about deaf education and sign language from 1970 to 2000. Unpublished doctoral dissertation: University of South Australia, Adelaide.
Flynn, J. W. (1999). Some aspects of the development of post-school organisations of and for Deaf people in Australia. Unpublished MA thesis, La Trobe University, Melbourne.
Hoopmann, S. R. (2011). ‘We’re Deaf women! We’re sisters!’: Exploring the female Deaf voice through community and commensality. Unpublished Honours thesis, University of Adelaide.
Loades, R. (1989). The establishment and maintenance of the Deaf community in South Australia. Unpublished BA Hons thesis, Flinders University, Adelaide.
Smith, G. M. (2019). Sight and sound: The history of deaf education in Western Australia. Unpublished doctoral dissertation: Murdoch University, Perth.
Booklets, Kits and Video Sets
Across the decades: Celebrating 50 years of education at St. Mary’s School for Children with Impaired Hearing. n.p.: Privately printed booklet, n.d.
A brief history of South Australian Schools for Deaf and Blind Children. Adelaide: Privately printed booklet, 1974.
Australian Sign Language Interpreters Association. (2024). ASLIA pioneer interpreters: A time of transition from 1970 – 1990. Privately printed booklet.
Carty, B., Neale, J., & Power, D. (2005). Deaf Studies program, P-7. (Kit). Language Australia: Centre for Deafness and Communication Studies.
Clancy, M. (Ed.). (1988). Heritage in our hands: Stories of the Deaf community of N.S. W. Sydney: Adult Education Centre for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons Inc.
History of Catholic Deaf Education in Australia, 1875-1975. Privately printed booklet, 1975.
Hough, L. A., & Knust, B. (Eds.) (1993). A Story of the Queensland School for the Deaf. Brisbane: Privately printed booklet.
Walter, J. (1960). The history of New South Wales schools for Deaf children and blind children, 1860- 1960. Sydney: Privately printed booklet.
Deaf in NSW: A community history.
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive of New Zealand:
Norwegian Museum of Deaf History:
Finnish Museum of the Deaf:
National Deaf Life Museum:
British Deaf History Society:
Deaf History Australia:
Deaf History International:
Deaf Museums Project:
Rochester Institute of Technology – Deaf Studies, Culture and History Archives: